Friday, July 23, 2010

Turn Off That Noise, Mom; We Want Real Music.

A few weeks ago at the library, Pink discovered the CD section, and asked to check one out. I agreed, and she picked out Sleeping Beauty and Princess Birthday (that Disney marketing machine is something else - she's only 2, can't read, and yet managed to get double dose of Disney). We listened to "Happy Birthday Princess" every time we were in the car, and by the next trip to the library, Blue was begging for his turn at the CD collection. Since the Disney equivalent of princesses for boys is pirates, he figured he could score some great swashbuckling tunes. After a pretty intense search, he determined there were no pirate CD's, but he had managed to find a Vikings CD, pictured below (yeah, he can't read either): Since I didn't see any harm in it, we got the Viking CD, turned it on in the car and were happily on our way. After a week or so of this, the kids had gotten pretty used to the songs.

Today when we got in the car, the radio was tuned to a station I listen to on the way to work out at 5:45am. Imagine Lady Gaga and Usher and the like - it helps wake me up. I wasn't really paying attention as we were driving until about 5 minutes later, when the request comes from Blue in the back seat, "Mom, can you turn on Figaro?" And Pink chimes in with, "That's my favorite!" Shhhh, nobody tell them it's not cool.


  1. Wow! Start them out liking the "good stuff" and they'll never know that it's not cool (until they go to school)!!!
    I agree with you 100% about the Disney marketing machine...they come out of the womb knowing McDonald's and the Disney symbol!!!

  2. That's hilarious. The only music I ever heard while growing up was classical music and of course the Disney songs on the movies. I think it was great growing up on the good stuff. My kids looked a little silly when they didn't even know Hannah Montana or any other person. They have a double dose of nerdiness with no tv in the mix.

  3. Love it!!! I love opera :) I was known in the dorms for playing it ... and not because everyone enjoyed it! Then I met Josh and he had opera on one of the tapes in his car, apparently when you serve a mission in Italy, you can't help but aquire a tast for it. There is nothing like Pavarotti!
