Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Hot and Heavy . . .

I didn't want to go. It was the middle of the day and I knew that going would have repercussions but I knew I had to go through with it. As soon as I opened the door, the heat took over my entire body in a way I haven't felt for months. My cheeks blushed and my eyes squinted so that nothing seemed clear. I needed to move quickly and so I charged forward. Once I got what I wanted, I was gone in a flash. Back at home I could finally cool down. Why did I do it? I could have stayed in the safety of my home instead of engaging in this hot and sweaty affair. It didn't matter, it is summer and I would need to do it again tomorrow. Why is the mailbox so far from the front door anyway?


  1. Send the kiddos next time - that's what I do :)

  2. I go and get the mail (some 30 yards away!) only 3 times a week, if even that, during the summer. I do it on our way home, so I can make a quick jump from our car.

    I figure, if it didn't come to my front door, than it really isn't that much fun anyway.

  3. And now I remember why I didn't like summers in the South...

  4. Thanks for the laugh...that was classic!
